Thursday, August 28, 2008

Football Season has begun!

After 2 years of saying NO to football, we finally caved in and let the boys decide to give it a try. Hunter is playing flag while Jack is playing tackle. Jack's team already has an established group of kids who are in their 4th year of playing...all the kids start out in Flag and then move up based on age...although this is Jack's first season he is catching on quickly and having a blast! Their team has already played in 2 preseason tournaments and won both! I do have to say that it is a lot...the boys practice twice a week for 1 1/2 hours and then games on Sundays...Hunter's is the same, luckily practices run at the same time, but figuring out games will be tricky. It's funny how quickly the kids activities take priority over your own...I guess that's the responsibility of being a parent...oh ya...that would be us!

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