Monday, August 25, 2008

Where has the summer gone!

Now that school is exactly one week away I am both sad and happy that summer vacation is coming to an end! June was such a bust with terrible fall like weather, but by the time we made it up to Green lake at the end of the month, Summer had definitely arrived! We had a great time visiting with Grandpa Jack swimming and roasting marshmallows everyday...although Hunter was really the only kid who actually swam...I think the combination of the cold water and thought that fish or other things being in the lake freaked Jack out too much that he never allowed himself to actually swim. He loved the boats and the floating beds, but that's about it. Cole was another cautious child...he wore this crazy, swimsuit that was part life vest part spandex shorts everyday and still wouldn't swim in the was very annoying to say the least...the boys however did take full advantage of the hot tub that was up and running this summer. The weather was great, very hot, but the mosquitoes were a little crazy at sundown. The boys are at a great age... they could take the peddle boat out on their own entertain themselves and for the most part leave me to cook, read and relax! Jack learned how to play checkers so every moment away from the lake he was challenging someone to play, grandpa never let him win, but he did get very's amazing how things like that just click..Hunter is only 19 months younger than Jack yet he was at a complete loss...couldn't quite figure out the strategy of it all. John on the other had was completely cocky as to his checkers playing ability, that is until I kicked his butt! He was so pissed because about 10 moves into the game he knew he was doomed and that he had to painfully suffer playing through it...ahhh the satisfaction of it all...All in all it was a nice time's too bad we were only there for 6 days but we know we can always go back!
In mid July, we went camping for a couple nights at Golden Ears National Park with the Josephs, Macfarlenes, and Estradas...all in all 4 campsites and 15 kids later we had a total blast...the kids played in the forest all day long building forts and of course wielding sticks's funny how nature will still bring out the true "nature" of girls vs boys. The girls took lots of time planning and preparing, then building and beautifying their forts...the boys on the other had found a pile of sticks that somewhat resembled a fort and wa-la...they had themselves a nonsense, no fuss! We adults pretty much occupied our time with eating and drinking and then inventing a game we all know as "Extreme Boccie" John and I won both rounds of course, not that we're competitive or anything. Late one evening after a few too many beers and a few funny stories, the park ranger told us to quiet's still like being in high school I tell you! Next year we will all do it again!

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